Unreal Engine 5 XR on Meta Quest Pro Showcase: 
This is a self-learning project I am currently working on to explore how to build a VR application using the main features from a modern headset (currently a Meta Quest Pro) using Unreal Engine 5. 

The main theme is an Alien controlling and traveling on a Spaceship. The character should be able to move around the ship and trigger all the actions available just using their hands, controllers will be supported but this is mainly a hands-based experience meant to be a comprehensive practice on building interactive applications (Not only games but also practical/productivity applications)
VR Showcase I am working on to explore the latest features offered on headsets like the Meta Quest Pro, in particular hand tracking for driving the Locomotion in Unreal Engine 5 using Hand Poses and Gestures.
For the scene I am using a spaceship interior asset from the UE Marketplace (a bit adapted to make it a bit lighter to also be usable on standalone VR, although the lights do not look as nice as on PCVR). The hands come from the same Daz Alien I use in other examples (cut from the rest of the mesh and adapted for usage in UE with Blender, and Character Creator/iClone). The main work here is enhancing the UE VR Pawn template to also work with Oculus/Meta Hand components to drive Locomotion.

After dissecting some the Meta Unreal Engine Examples I did some adaptations to include the Poke Tool & the Near interactable to my POC. Using custom hand meshes is double the fun to make them work!!!, adding some functionality to those buttons is coming up...

Adding some UI Elements to my demo by reusing the Lyra / Common UI Widgets which have a pretty nice sci-fi style that matches the spaceship scene.

Alien logo in the widget rendered using iClone.

Adding custom Far-Field Interactable widgets derived from the Meta Quest Pro examples for Unreal Engine using Adobe Substance 3D assets & materials.

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